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Competency Management Guide

In this guide you will learn everything about competency management.

Talentmanagement Guide

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about talent management.

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What are competencies?

What are competencies?

Competences are learned skills, knowledge and behaviours that are used in a professional context. They vary according to training, experience, personal interests and areas of responsibility of a person. However, different competencies can also be found in different...

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The Skill Catalog

The Skill Catalog

Why do we need a skills catalogue? An SME usually has a large number of employees with different qualifications. Both the areas of activity and the training and experience levels can differ greatly. In order to be able to structure what competencies employees have or...

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Skill Management in Excel

Skill Management in Excel

We now know that detailed and information-rich skill matrices can be created as needed. That's why we're going to show you why Excel is such a popular tool for skill management and how easy it is to create a skill matrix with it. The limitations of skill management in...

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Skill Matrix Excel Template

Skill Matrix Excel Template

Some organizations start with their skill management in Excel. This can bring some advantages but also disadvantages. To help you get started quickly with a Skill Matrix in Excel, we have provided an Excel template for download.This Excel matrix is also called a...

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